Innovative Promotional Items

Maybe, you’ve had a few promotional items that have been total failures, ones that you thought were totally fabulous but turned out to be complete flops. Well, it happens. But now are you ready to break the mold and hit it big with your promotions?

This brings us to tip number one! Break away from the traditional promotional item pack and become innovative instead! Do you know how many pens are given away? I probably have at least a hundred right now with different company names on them. I most likely couldn’t find the pen with your company name on it to call you and I wouldn’t take the effort to search all day and night for a pen.

Custom Mints - Edible Promotions

So, this bring us to the very first tip which is to do something different with your promotional items. For example, have you ever considered custom edible gifts like logo cookies, chocolates or peppermints (isn’t this a great idea?). There are plenty of edible gifts I can provide you. Why don’t we chat?

And as for tip number two deliver your promotional items in a different way. For instance, have your items hand delivered. This will definitely catch your customer’s attention and they are less likely to discard what you send them.

Tip number three – let the professionals handle it. By this I don’t mean promotional item manufacturers. Engage the services of some real promotional and marketing people with branding expertise. Let them help with your promotions. Yes, this does mean you’ll spend a little more money upfront, but you’ll have a solid promotional piece in the works.

Tip number four. Remember that there is more to an effective promotion than just handing out one item.

Did you know it takes a consumer an average of six to seven times of seeing and/or hearing your promotional message before they even get it? That is because your target audience is constantly being bombarded with marketing promotions from all other businesses. So, when you begin sending them unique items one after another, they are bound to sit up and take notice of you.

This brings us to tip number five which is: know your target audience. No matter how wonderful and unique a promotional item is, if it’s not given to the right audience then it obviously wont work.

Custom Popcorn Bags

Did you know October is Small Business Month?

Now it’s the time to support small businesses and brand your business with online and offline strategies.
The pandemic has changed the way we do things, like participating in networking events, trade shows etc. But now the outlook is getting better by the day.

Are you considering imprinting your brand with some innovative and cost-effective promotional ideas to grow your business?

Why don’t you explore custom edible promotional items like logo cookies, chocolates, tea sleeves and more?
We have a large selection of unique promotional items with custom branding options.

Connect with us for a discussion on what items would work best for you.

Check some of our promotional items below